Reproductive Health Important Questions for CBSE Class 12 Biology Reproductive Health Problems and Strategies
1.Reproductive health simply refers to healthy reproductive organs with normal functions. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), reproductive health means a total well-being in all aspects of reproduction, i.e. physical, emotional, behavioural and social.
2.The improved reproductive health of society requires following factors:
(i)Better awareness about sex-related matters.
(ii)Increased number of medically assisted deliveries and better postnatal care leading to decreased maternal and infant mortality rates.
(iii)Increased number of couples with small families.
(iv)Better detection and cure of STDs.
(v)Overall increased medical facilities for all sex-related problems.
3.Some of the measures taken for awareness of reproductive health are:
(i)The family planning programmes were initiated in India in 1951 and were periodically assessed over the past decades. The programmes were improved and covered reproduction-related areas under the popular name Reproductive and Child Healthcare (RCH) programmes. It was launched in 1997.
Major tasks of RCH programme are:
(a)Creating awareness among the people about reproduction related aspects.
(b)Providing facilities and support for building up a reproductively healthy society. Governmental and non-governmental agencies have taken various important steps to create awareness among people about reproduction-related aspects.
(ii)In schools, introducing sex education is a good step to provide right information for adolescents to discourage them from believing in myths and misconceptions about sex-related issues. Adolescents should be informed about reproductive organs, adolescence and related changes, safe and hygenic sexual practices, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), AIDS, etc.
(iii)Married couple or those in marriageable age group should be educated about available birth control options, care of pregnant mothers, postnatal care of the mother and child, importance of breast feeding, equal opportunities for the male and the female child, etc. This will lead to the formation of socially conscious healthy families of desired size.
(iv)Successful implementation of action plans like providing medical assistance and care to reproduction-related problems, pregnancy, delivery, STDs, abortions, contraception, menstrual problems, infertility, etc., needs strong support and infrastructural facilities.
(v)Statutory Ban on amniocentesis It is a prenatal diagnostic technique in which a sample of amniotic fluid is taken from the uterus of a pregnant women to detect the early development of foetus. The benefits of amniocentesis are the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and developmental disorders of foetus. However, it is being misused for sex-determination of foetus that leads to female foeticides. Therefore, statutory ban on amniocentesis for sex determination keeps check on female foeticides.
4.Population explosion The tremendous increase in size and growth rate of population is called population explosion. It occurs due to increased health facilities and better living conditions.
(i)Reasons of population explosion are:
- Decrease death rate.
- Declined maternal mortality rate.
- Decreased infant mortality rate.
- Increase in number of people in reproductive age.
(ii)According to the 2001 census report, the population growth rate was around 1.7%, i.e. 17/1000/year. By this rate, our population could double in 33 years.
5.Methods to prevent population explosion are:
- Raising the marriageable age to 18 years for females and 21 years for males.
- Couples with small families should be given sdme incentives.
- Birth control is an important step to control the population growth by motivating smaller families to use contraceptive methods.
6.Contraceptive methods are ideal if they are used friendly, easily available, effective, reversible with no side effects and non-interferring with the sexual drive, desire and the sexual act.
There are several methods of birth control. These are categorised mainly as follow:
(i) Natural method of birth control involves avoiding chances of sperm and ovum meeting. It can be achieved by:
- Periodic abstinence in which couples avoid coitus from day 10-17 (Fertile period) of the menstrual cycle. In this period, ovulation is expected to occur and chances of fertilisation are very high. Also called as rhythm method or natural family planning.
- Coitus interruptus also called ‘rejected sexual intercourse’ or ‘pull-out’ method or In this method, the penis is withdrawn, from the vagina just before ejaculation.
(c)Lactational amenorrhea refers to the absence of menstruation during the period of lactation following parturition. Because ovulation does not occur in this period, the chances of conception are none. This method is reliable for a maximum period of six months after delivery.
(ii)Barrier methods are based on prevention of ovum and sperm from physically meeting with the help of barriers. Barriers may be chemical or mechanical.
- Condoms are mechanical barriers made of thin rubber or latex sheath to cover the penis in male or vagina and cervix in females which prevent meeting of sperm and ova. Condoms also provides protection sexually transmitted diseases. They are disposable and can be self inserted and thereby gives privacy to the user.
- Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults are also mechanical barriers, made of rubber that are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover cervix during coitus. They are reusable.
- Spermicidal creams, jellies and foams are chemical barriers, usually used along with these barriers to increase their contraceptive efficiency.
(iii)Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs) are the devices introduced in the uterus through vagina by doctors or expert nurses. These are of following types:
- Non-medicated IUDs, e.g. lippes loop.
- Copper-releasing IUDs, e.g. Cu-T, Cu-7, multiload 375.
- Hormone-releasing IUDs, e.g. progestasert, LNG 20.
IUDs prevent contraception in the following ways:
- Increase phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus.
- Some IUDs suppress sperm motility and fertilising ability of sperm by releasing copper ions.
- The hormone releasing IUDs make uterus unsuitable for implantation and make the cervix hostile to sperms.
IUDs are ideal contraceptives for females who want to delay pregnancy. It is one of most widely accepted contraception method in India.
(iv)Oral contraceptives are hormonal preparations in the form of pills.
- Pills are small doses of either progestogens or progesterone-estrogen combinations.
- Oral pills alter/inhibit ovulation and implantation and also modify the quality of cervical mucus to prevent/retard entry of sperms.
- Oral pills have to be taken daily for a period of 21 days starting within the first five days of menstrual cycle.
- Saheli an example of oral contraceptive developed by scientists at Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI) Lucknow, contains a non-steroid called It is a once-a-week pill, with very few side effects.
(v)JL ‘plants or injections are effective for longer period, although their mode of action is similar to oral contraceptives. Progesterone alone or in combination with estrogen are used by females as injections or implants under the skin.
(vi)Emergency contraceptives included administration of progesterone or progestogen oestrogen combinations or IUDs within 72 hours of coitus. It has been found to be very effective to avoid possible pregnancy due to rape or casual unprotected intercourse.
(vii)Sterilisation or surgical methods are used by male/female partner as a terminal method to prevent any more pregnancies. These methods blocks the transport of gametes and prevent contraception.
- Vasectomy is applied in case of males. In this method, a small portion of vas deferens is removed or tied up through an incision on the scrotum.
- Tubectomy is applied in females, where a small part of Fallopian tubes is removed or tied up through a small incision in the abdomen or through vagina.
Both of these techniques are highly effective but poorly reversible.
7.Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) or induced abortion is intentional or
voluntary termination of pregnancy before full term.
- The Government of India had legalised MTP in 1971 with some strict conditions to avoid its misuse. These are important to check indiscriminate and illegal female foeticides which are reported to be high in India.
- MTPs are done in certain cases where pregnancy can be harmful and even fatal either to the mother or the foetus or both, or duets failure of contraceptive used during coitus or rapes.
- MTPs are considered relatively safe during the first trimester (upto 12 weeks) of pregnancy.
- During second trimester, MTPs are unsafe and could be fatal too.
- About 45-50 million MTPs are carried out in a year all over the world. It has significant role in decreasing population though it is not meant for that purpose
The birth control measures can be summarised as follows:
Previous Year Examination Questions
1 Mark Questions
1.Name an IUD that you would recommend to promote the cervix hostility to sperms.  [Delhi 2014 c]
Ans.The hormone releasing lUD’s, e.g. progestasert, LNG-20 are recommended to promote the cervix hostility to sperms.
2.State one reason why breast feeding the baby acts as a natural contraceptive for the mother?[Delhi 2014 C]
Ans.Since lactation or breast feeding the baby delays the onset or return of menstruation and ovulation cycle, due to interference of hormones. Therefore, the chances of conception are nil during this period, i.e. upto six months. Hence, breast feeding baby may act as a natural contraceptive for mother
3.Mention one positive and one negative application of amniocentesis. [Delhi 2010]
Ans.Application of amniocentesis are:
(i) Positive application It can be used to diagnose any chromosomal abnormality or genetic disorder in foetus.
(ii) Negative application It can be used to determine the sex of foetus and leads to female foeticide.
4.Why is tubectomy considered a contraceptive method? [Foreign 20101]
Ans.In tubectomy, a small part of Fallopian tube or oviduct is tied up to block the transport of sperm, so as to prevent fertilisation. So, it is considered as a contraceptive method
5.How does Cu-T act as an effective contraceptive for human females?[Delhi 2009]
Ans.Copper-T (Cu-T) is an Intra Uterine Device (IUD) that serves as an effective contraceptive in the following ways:
(i)Increases phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus.
(ii)Copper ions released suppresses the motility of sperms and their fertilising ability.
6.Why do some women use Saheli pills?  [All India 2009 C, 2009]
Ans.Reasons to use Saheli pills by women are mainly to prevent conception because it
(i) contains a non-steroidal component.
(ii) is once-a-week pill.
(iii) has high contraceptive value with fewer side effects than other oral pills.
(iv) inhibits ovulation and implantation
7.Mention any two events that are inhibited by the intake of oral contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy in humans. [All India 2009]
Ans.Oral contraceptives prevent pregnancy in humans females by
(i) inhibiting secretion of FSH and LH from anterior pituitary leading to inhibition of ovulation from the ovary and implantation.
(ii) inhibiting the entry of sperms in the uterus.
8.Give one reason for a statutory ban on amniocentesis. [All India 2008 C]
Ans.Statutory ban on amniocentesis is due to its misuse to detect the sex of pre-born child that leads to female foeticide
2 Marks Questions
9.What is amniocentesis? How is it misused?  [Delhi 2014 C]
Ans.Amniocentesis is a pre-natal diagnostic test based on the chromosomal pattern of the cells in the amniotic fluid that surrounds the developing foetus in the womb. Statutory ban on amniocentesis is due to its misuse to detect the sex of pre-born child that leads to female foeticide
10.What do oral pills contain and how do they act as effective contraceptives?[Delhi 2014 c]
Name the horinonal composition of the oral contraceptive used by human females. Explain how does it act as contraceptive? [Delhi 2009]
Ans.Oral contraceptive or pills are either
progestogens or progestogen oestrogen combinations.
They function as contraceptives by
(i) inhibiting ovulation.
(ii) inhibiting implantation.
(iii) altering the quality of cervical mucus to prevent or stop the entry of sperms
11.Why is Cu-T considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [Delhi 2011]
A mother of one year old daughter wanted to space her second child. Her doctor suggested Cu-T. Explain its contraceptive actions. [Delhi 2008]
Ans.Cu-T is an IUD, inserted by experts, which functions by releasing Cu ions which reduces sperm motility and the fertilising capacity of sperms. It also increases phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus by female.
12.Name an oral pill used as a contraceptive by human females. Explain how does it prevent pregnancy?      [Delhi 2011]
Ans.Contraceptive oral pill ‘Saheli’ is used to space children. Saheli inhibits ovulation and implantation It alters the quality of cervical mucus to prevent the entry of sperms into cervix.
13.Describe the lactational amenorrhoea method of birth control.    [All India 2011]
What is lactational amenorrhoea?[All India 2008 C]
Ans.Lactation amenorrhoea refers to the absence of menstruation during the period of intense lactation following parturition. It is a birth control method because
(i) ovulation and other events of menstrual cycle are stopped at this time.
(ii) as long as the mother breast feeds her child, chances of conception are nil. However, this method is generally reliable up to only six months after delivery.
14.How do copper and hormone releasing IUDs act as contraceptives? Explain.[All India 2010]
Ans.Copper and hormone releasing lUDs act as contraceptives because
(i) lUDs (Cu-T, Cu-7) release Cu ions, which suppress sperm motility and the fertilising capacity of sperms.
(ii) Hormone releasing lUDs (progestasert, LNG-20)
- inhibits ovulation.
- make the cervix unreceptive to sperms.
- make the uterus unsuitable for implantation.
(iii) Increase phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus.
15.What is amniocentesis? Why has the government imposed a statutory ban inspite of its importance in medical field?  [Foreign 2010]
Ans.Government imposed a statutory ban because of its misuse. It is used to diagnose the sex of the foetus and leads to female foeticide.
16.Why is Saheli a well accepted contraceptive pill?[Foreign 2010; Foreign 2008]
Ans.Reasons to use Saheli pills by women are mainly to prevent conception because it
(i) contains a non-steroidal component.
(ii) is once-a-week pill.
(iii) has high contraceptive value with fewer side effects than other oral pills.
(iv) inhibits ovulation and implantation
17.Name any two copper-releasing Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs). List two reasons that make them effective contraceptives.[All India 2009 C]
Ans.Copper and hormone releasing lUDs act as contraceptives because
(i) lUDs (Cu-T, Cu-7) release Cu ions, which suppress sperm motility and the fertilising capacity of sperms.
(ii) Hormone releasing lUDs (progestasert, LNG-20)
- inhibits ovulation.
- make the cervix unreceptive to sperms.
- make the uterus unsuitable for implantation.
(iii) Increase phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus.
18.(i) Expand IUD.
(ii) Why is hormone releasing IUD considered a good contraceptive to space children?         [All India 2008]
Ans.(i) lUDs – Intra Uterine Devices
(ii)Hormone releasing lUDs (progestasert, LNG-20)
- inhibits ovulation.
- make the cervix unreceptive to sperms.
- make the uterus unsuitable for implantation.
19.How do surgical procedures prevent conception in human? Mention the way it is achieved in human males.[Foreign 2008]
Ans.Surgical procedures prevent conception by blocking gamete transport.In human males, surgical procedure is called vasectomy. In this surgery, a small part of the vas deferens is removed or tied up through a small incision on the scrotum.
20.Identify A, B, C and D in the following table with reference to birth control
Ans.A— Barrier  B —Tubectomy
C-Oral pill   D-IUD
3 Marks Questions
21.If implementation of better techniques and new strategies are required to provide more efficient care and assistance to people, then why is there a statutory ban on amniocentesis? Write the use of this technique and give reason to justify the ban. [All India 2014]
Ans.Though implementation of better techniques and new strategies are required to provide more efficient care and assistance to people, there is a statutory ban on amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is one of such techniques that allows to determine any chromosomal abnormalities or genetic disorders and sex as well as fetal infections, by using minute amount of amniotic fluid, surrounding the foetus. So, this prenatal diagnostic test is particularly useful for those women who are at increased risk or have genetic disorders or chromosomal problems. But with the misuse of this technique to determine sex of the foetus which had ultimately lead to increase in female foeticides, government has imposed a statutory ban to prevent its further misuse and balance the unequal sex ratio prevailing in human population.
22.A woman has certain queries as listed below, before starting with contraceptive pills. Answer them.
(i)What do contraceptive pills contain and how do they act as contraceptives?
(ii)What schedule should be followed for taking these pills?
Ans.(i)Oral contraceptive or pills are either
progestogens or progestogen oestrogen combinations.
They function as contraceptives by
(a) inhibiting ovulation.
(b) inhibiting implantation.
(c) altering the quality of cervical mucus to prevent or stop the entry of sperms
(ii)The oral contraceptive pills are to be taken daily for 21 days, preferably within the first five days of menstrual cycle. After the onset of menstruation cycle, i.e. 5-7 days, the process is to be repeated in the same pattern (again for 21 days).
This schedule is to be followed till the women want to avoid conception
23.(i) Name any two copper releasing IUDs.
(ii) Explain how do they act as effective contraceptives in human females. [All India 2014]
Ans. (i)The copper releasing lUDs are Cu-T,Cu-7 and multiload 375 (any two).
(ii) Cu releasing lUDs act as effective contraceptives in human females by increasing phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus. The Cu2+ ions released suppresses sperm motility as well as their fertilising capacity, thus preventing conception
24.Name and explain the surgical method advised to human males and females as a means of birth control. Mention its one advantage and one disadvantage. [Foreign 2014]
Ans.The surgical or sterilisation methods advised to human males and females as effective means of birth control are:
(i) Vasectomy (In males) A sterlisation method in which a small portion of vas deferens is removed or tied up through a cut or incision on scrotum, thus blocking the transport of sperms.
(ii) Tubectomy It is a sterilisation technique for females where a small part of Fallopian tube is removed or tied up through incision in abdomen or through vagina.
The advantage of these two sterilisation methods in both human males and females is that it is an very effective method for preventing conception as it blocks transport of gametes.
The disadvantage of this technique is that this surgical procedure cannot be reversed, so it is helpful for only those who already have children, and do not want to extend their family further.
25.A pregnant human female was advised to undergo MTP. It was diagnosed by her doctor that the foetus, she is carrying has developed from a zygote formed by an XX-egg fertilised by Y-carrying sperm. Why was she advised to undergo MTP?[HOTS; All India 2011]
Ans.In this case, zygote will be XXY and will develop into a male with Klinefelter’s syndrome. Such individuals show feminine characters, gynaecomastia and are sterile. Due to these disorders, the woman was prescribed MTP
26.How do the following contraceptives act to prevent unwanted pregnancy in human females?
(i)Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs)
Ans.(i)Copper and hormone releasing lUDs act as contraceptives because
(a) lUDs (Cu-T, Cu-7) release Cu ions, which suppress sperm motility and the fertilising capacity of sperms.
(b) Hormone releasing lUDs (progestasert, LNG-20)
- inhibits ovulation.
- make the cervix unreceptive to sperms.
- make the uterus unsuitable for implantation.
(c) Increase phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus.
(ii)Reasons to use Saheli pills by women are mainly to prevent conception because it
(a) contains a non-steroidal component.
(b) is once-a-week pill.
(c) has high contraceptive value with fewer side effects than other oral pills.
(d) inhibits ovulation and implantation.
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