CBSE Class 12 Biology Important Questions Chapterwise
CBSE Important Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter Wise Pdf free download was designed by expert teachers from latest edition of NCERT books to get good marks in board exams. Here we have given NCERT Class 12 Biology Important Questions Chapterwise State Board.
1. Reproduction in Organisms
2. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
3. Human Reproduction
4. Reproductive Health
5. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
6. Evolution
- The Origin of Life and Evidences of Evolution
- Biological Evolution, Its Mechanism and Evolution of ManÂ
7. Human Health and Disease
8. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
9. Microbes in Human Welfare
- Microbes in Household Products, Industrial Products and in Sewage Treatment
- Microbes in Production of Biogas as Biocontrol Agents and Biofertilisers
10. Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
- Principles of Biotechnology and Tools of Recombination DNA Technology
- Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology
11. Biotechnology and Its Applications
12. Organisms and Populations
13. Ecosystem
- Ecosystem-Structure and Function, Productivity and Decomposition
- Energy Flow and Ecological Succession
- Nutrient Cycling and Ecosystem Services
14. Biodiversity and Conservation
15. Environmental Issues