Formulae Handbook for Class 10 Maths and Science
SST Economics CBSE Class 10 Sectors of Indian Economy VSAQ
Q.1. What are economic activities ?
Ans. The activities which contribute to the flow of goods and services in an economy.
Q.2. There are many activities that are undertaken by directly using natural resources. What are these activities known as ?
Ans. Primary activities.
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Q.3. Give any two examples of primary activities.
Ans. (i) Animal rearing (ii) Lumbering
Q.4. ‘Dairy is a primary activity ’. Give reason.
Ans. In case of dairy we are dependent on the biological process of the animals and availability of fodder. The product i.e. milk is also a natural product.
Q.5. By what other name the primary sector is known as ?
Ans. Agriculture and related sector. ‘
Q.6. What is secondary sector ?
Ans. The secondary sector includes activities in which natural products are changed into other forms manually or through machines.
Q.7. Give two examples of secondary activities.
Ans. (i) Manufacturing of car (ii) Manufacturing of chair.
Q.8. What is tertiary sector ?
Ans. The sector which provide support service to both primary and secondary sectors. For example banking, trade communication etc.
Q.9. Why tertiary sector is also termed as service sector ?
Ans. Tertiary sector is termed as service sector because tertiary sector provide support service to primary and secondary sectors.
Q.10. What is GDP ? [CBSE 2014]
Ans. It is the value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a particular year. ,
Q.11. Which organisation in India undertakes the task of measuring GDP ?
Ans. Central Government Ministry.
Q.12. What are final goods ?
Ans. Final goods are the goods which are ready for use. For example a pen.
Q.13. What are intermediate goods ?
Ans. These are the goods which are used up during the production process.
Q.14. ‘While calculated Gross Domestic product the value of only final goods should be included ’. Give reason.
Ans. Because the final goods already includes the value of all intermediate goods.
Q.15. Which sector has shown the highest growth rate ?
Ans. Tertiary sector.
Q.16. Which sector is the largest employer ?
Ans. Primary Sector.
Q.17. What is Right to Work ?
Ans. Under this Right all those who are ready to work at prevailing wages are given work by the government.
Q.18. What is organised sector ?
Ans. It is a sector which covers those enterprises or place of work where the terms of employment are regular and therefore people have regular work.
Q.19. What is unorganised sector ?
Ans. Any sector or industrial unit which is largely outside the control of the government.
Q.20. There is a need for protection and support of the workers in the unorganised sector. Given two seasons.
Ans. (i) Workers of unorganised sector are not paid ‘ fair wages.
(ii) The working conditions are very poor.
Q.21. What is a public sector ?
Ans. Any sector which is controlled and managed by the government is known as public sector for e.g. Indian Railway.
Q.22. On what basis, the sectors are classified into public and private sector ? [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2012, 14]
Ans. Ownership of enterprises
Q.23. In which year the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was implemented ? [CBSE Sept. 2010]
Ans. 2005
Q.24. Sahara Airlines and B.S.E.S. are examples of: [CBSE Sept. 2011]
Ans. Private Sector
Q.25. What is the main motive of Private sector enterprises ? [CBSE Sept. 2011, 2012]
Ans. Profit making
Q.26.What will happen if the government fails to provide 100 days employment under NREGA ? [CBSE Sept. 2012}
Ans. Unemployment allowance will be given.