Download Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science Set 3 2019 PDF to understand the pattern of questions asks in the board exam. Know about the important topics and questions to be prepared for CBSE Class 10 Social Science board exam and Score More marks. Here we have given Social Science Sample Paper for Class 10 Solved Set 3.
Board – Central Board of Secondary Education,
Subject – CBSE Class 10 Social Science
Year of Examination – 2019.
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science Set 3
Question 1A:
Which language in Poland came to be seen as a symbol of the struggle against Russian dominance?
Polish language
Question 1B:
Who was made the first Chairman of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh was made the first chairman of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Question 2A:
When did the struggle for independence of Greece begin?
In 1821.
Question 2B:
Name the war that has been called the first television war.
War between US and Vietnam has been called the first television war.
Question 3:
The first metro train was set up in which Indian city?
Calcutta (Kolkata).
Question 4:
Which state is the largest producer of mineral oil?
Question 5:
Which is the major source of irrigation in peninsular India?
Tanks are the major source of irrigation in peninsular India.
Question 6:
Who allots a ‘symbol’ to the political parties?
The Election Commission allots a symbol to the political parties.
Question 7:
When was MNREGA implemented?
In the year 2005.
Question 8A:
In which year was the unification of Italy completed? Mention two features of the unification movement.
Unification of Italy took place in 1860. Despite formidable hurdles which beset the path of unification of Italy, the feeling of liberty, equality and patriotism could not remain suppressed among Italians for a long time. Some patriots, supporters of democracy, writers, philosophers and many secret institutions resolved to launch a combined struggle to achieve liberty and liberalism for Italy.
Question 8B:
What were the results of the colonisation of Vietnam by the French?
French colonisation was not based only on economic exploitation. It was driven by the idea of a civilising mission and claimed that they would introduce modem civilised life to the Vietnamese. Being a colony all the natural, essential and human resources of Vietnam were exploited. As a result agricultural productivity declined because of that economic exploitation. Educational system was also transformed. Vietnam was subjugated socially, economically and politically.
Question 9:
Explain the two important factors that shaped Indian politics during the 1920s.
- The first was the worldwide economic depression which brought the agricultural prices crashing down in India. Farmers could not sell their produce and the whole country-side was in turmoil.
- The British constituted a statutory commission in 1927 under Sir John Simon. The aim was to diffuse nationalism aroused by the Non-Cooperation Movement. The Commission was to look into the functioning of the constitutional system in India.
- It was an all-white ’ commission, with not a single Indian member in it.
- It set the political world in India on fire and led to Gandhiji starting the Civil Disobedience Movement.
Question 10:
Why is mica considered to be an indispensable mineral for the electronics industry? Mention the names of the main mica-producing areas of India.
Mica is a non-conductor of electricity. Due to its excellent di-electric strength, low power loss factor, insulating properties and resistance to high voltage, mica is an indispensable mineral for the electrical and electronics industries. Koderma-Gaya-Hazaribagh belt of Jharkhand is the leading mica-producing area of India. In Rajasthan, the major mica-producing area is around Ajmer. In Andhra Pradesh, the Nellore mica belt is an important mica-producing area.
Question 11:
Mention any three problems faced by cotton textile industries in India.
Three problems faced by cotton textile industries in India are as follows :
(i) Power supply is erratic and machineries are outdated.
(ii) Output of labour is low.
(iii) Facing stiff competition with the synthetic fibre industry.
Question 12:
What is the difference between personal communication and mass communication? State any two points of importance of mass communication.
Personal communication means a communication between two persons either through oral, letter or through telephone etc, while mass communication includes the use of radio, television, press, films etc, for wider public audience. The two points of importance of mass communication are
(i) it provides entertainment and
(ii) creates awareness among people about various national and international programmes and policies.
Question 13:
How does power sharing help in democracy? Mention three points.
(i) Power-sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups.
(ii) It is a good way to ensure the stability of political order and unity of the nation.
(iii) A legitimate government is one where citizens through participation acquire a stake in the system.
Question 14:
What could be the two possible outcomes of politics of social divisions?
The two outcomes are :
(i) Political divisions could lead to violence and disintegration of a country. Example: Yugoslavia.
(ii) They could be amicably settled in a democracy where rulers share power, and people think of themselves first as nationalists and then as belonging to a religious or ethnic or linguistic group. Example : India.
Question 15:
Some people think that democracy produces less efficient and effective government. Do you agree with their views?
It is true that some delay is bound to take place in democracy as it is based on deliberation and negotiation. It is also true that non-democratic rulers can be very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation. But they may take decisions that are not acceptable to the people but are forced on them. On the other hand, because democratic governments follow procedures, its decisions may be more acceptable to the people and more effective. So I do not agree with the view that democracy is a less effective and more inefficient form of government.
Question 16:
What do the banks do with the ‘public deposits’? Describe their working mechanism.
Banks accept deposits from the public and use the major portion of these deposits to extend
loans. There is a huge demand for loans for various economic activities. Banks make use of these deposits to meet the loan requirement of the people and thereby earn interest. This is, in fact, the main source of income of the banks. In this way, a bank acts as a mediator between those who have surplus funds (the depositors) and those who are in need of these funds (the borrowers). Banks charge a higher interest rate on loans than what they offer on deposits.
Question 17:
How does the Reserve Bank of India supervise the functioning of banks? Why is this necessary?
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) supervised the banks in the following ways :
- It monitors the balance kept by banks for day-to-day transactions.
- It checks that the banks give loans not just to profit-making businesses and traders but also to small borrowers.
- Periodically banks have to give details about lending, borrowers and interest rate to RBI. It is necessary for securing public welfare. It avoids the bank to run the business with profit motive only. It also keeps a check on interest rate of credit facilities provided by bank. RBI makes sure that the loans from the banks are affordable and cheap.
Question 18:
Explain any three ways in which MNCs set up or control production in other countries.
Multinational Corporations (MNCs) set up their factories or production units close to markets where they can get desired type of skilled or unskilled labour at low costs along with other factors of production. After ensuring these conditions MNCs set up production units in the following ways :
(i) Jointly with some local companies of the existing country.
(ii) Buy the local companies and then expand its production with the help of modem technology.
(iii) They place orders for small producers and sell these products under their own brand name to the customers worldwide.
Question 19A:
Write down important causes and effects of the Second World War.
The Second World War started in 1939 and continued up to 1945.
Many factors had caused the Second World War. The Great Depression of 1929, failure of the League of Nations, rise of dictatorship in Germany and Italy under Hitler and Mussolini respectively were some of the important causes. Effects :
(i) About 3 per cent of the world’s population perished.
(ii) Two crucial developments shaped the post-war scenario. They were :
(a) The emergence of USA and the USSR as superpowers.At least 6 million people died, and millions more were injured. Most of the deaths took place outside the battlefields. More civilians than fighting soldiers died. Vast parts of Europe and Asia were devastated and several cities destroyed by aerial bombings. It caused enormous economic devastation and social disruption. Reconstruction was long and difficult.
(b) The establishment of international organisations like the UNO and others to maintain peace and stability.
Question 19B:
Explain any three problems faced by the Indian weavers by the turn of the 19th century.
The three problems faced by weavers by the turn of the 19th century were :
(i) Decline in export market: By the 1860s insufficient supply of raw cotton of good quality affected the Indian weavers. Due to the American Civil War, the
supply of raw cotton from USA had stopped. Britain turned to India for new cotton export. This resulted in price rise and the Indian weavers suffered. In the beginning of the 19th century, there was a sharp decline in Indian export of cotton piece exports. In 1811-12, 33% of exports were made price goods. In 1850-51, it was no more than 3%.
(ii) The British started dumping mill-made and machine-made British goods in India. British exports to India for textile goods increased from 31% to over 50% in the 1870s. The local markets collapsed as they were glutted with Manchester imports. Machine-made goods were sold at lower prices and Indian weavers could not compete with them.
(iii) Another problem cropped up for weavers. At the end of the 19th century, India started producing cotton textiles in factories and punished the weavers for delays in supply, often beating and flogging them. The weavers lost the power to bargain for prices and sell to different buyers. The Company paid them a miserably low price. The loans tied them to the Company. It led to deserted villages and migration to other cities.
Question 19C:
How did the development of cities influence the ecology and environment in the late nineteenth century? Explain by giving an example of Calcutta (Kolkata).
City development everywhere has been at the expense of ecology and environment. To accommodate factories, housing and other institutions, natural features are either transformed or flattened out. Large quantities of refuse and waste products pollute air and water, and excessive noise becomes a feature of urban life.
In the late 19th century, use of coal in homes and industries raised serious probiems. For exampie, in Caicutta, inhabitants innaied grey smoke, particularly in winter. Since Calcutta was built on marshy land, the fog and smoke combined to generate a thick black smog. High levels of pollution were a result of the huge population using dung and wood as fuel in their daily life. Main polluters were the industries that used steam engines run on coal. The introduction of the railway in 1855 brought a new dangerous pollutant – coal from Raniganj. It had a high content of ash. Calcutta became the first Indian city in 1863 to get smoke nuisance legislation.
Question 20A:
What were the problems in reading handwritten manuscripts in India?
The handwritten books were very expensive and very fragile. They were difficult to carry and had to be handled carefully. They were also not easy to read as the script was written in many styles. Because of this difficulty they were not widely read. Teachers dictated them from memory and the students wrote them down. Students learnt not to read the manuscripts but only wrote them. Though, in pre-colonial period, Bengal had many village primary schools, the manuscripts were not used in everyday life. Thus, students became literate without ever actually reading the texts.
Question 20B:
Explain any three reasons for the popularity of the novel in the 18th century. Answer:
Novels became popular from the 18th century in Europe.
(i) The number of readership increased as new groups of lower middle-class people such as shopkeepers and clerks, along with the traditional aristocratic and gentlemanly classes in England formed the new readership for novels.
(ii) As readership grew, markets for books expanded, the earnings of authors increased. They now had the freedom to experiment with different literary styles. They were no longer dependent on the patronage of the aristocrats. The novel allowed flexibility in form of writing. Samuel Richardson’s Pamela was an epistolary novel; Walter Scott wrote historical novels and Henry Fielding wrote Tom Jones and called himself a founder of this new province of writing. The different styles and experiments added to the popularity of the
(iii) Third and most important was that technological improvements brought down the price of books. The novel became the first mass produced item to be sold. The world created by novels was absorbing, believable and seemingly real. People could read them in private or in public and have a group discussion.
Question 21:
Mention four geographical requirements each for the growth of tea and sugarcane.
Tea is the main beverage crop of India. Four geographical requirements for its growth are:
(i) The tea plant grows best in tropical and subtropical climate.
(ii) Tea bushes require warm and moist and frost-free climate with temperature between 20°C to 30°C and annual rainfall of 150 to 250 cm.
(iii) Frequent showers evenly distributed over the year ensure continuous growth of tender leaves.
(iv) Deep, fertile, well-drained soil, rich in humus and organic matter are ideal for its growth. Hence, gently rolling topography in uplands is favourable for its cultivation.
Four geographical conditions required for growth of sugarcane are :
(i) Sugarcane grows best in tropical and subtropical climate. It is an annual crop requiring a year for maturing.
(ii) It grows well in hot and humid climate with temperature of 21 °C to 27°C and an annual rainfall between 75 cm and 100 cm.
(iii) Frost is injurious for the plant and rainfall before ripening decreases sucrose content. Hence, frost-free weather and short, cool, dry winter during ripening and harvesting are favourable.
(vi) It can grow in a variety of soils, but clayey alluvial soil of northern plains and black soil in south are ideal for its growth.
Question 22:
How can you say that power-sharing is more effective today than it was in the early years after the Constitution came into force?
In the early years, the same party ruled both at the Centre and in most of the states. But in the states where the rival parties ruled, the central government often misused its power to dismiss the state governments. This undermined the spirit of federalism.
But after 1990, there was a rise of regional parties in many states of the country. It was at this time that since no single party got a clear majority in the Lok Sabha, the major national parties had to enter into an alliance with many parties, including several regional parties to form a government at the Centre. This led to the era of coalition governments – a new culture of power-sharing and respect for the autonomy of state governments.
Question 23:
How does communalism create problems in politics?
- The way one uses religion in politics is communal politics. It creates problems when one sees religion as the basis of the nation.
- When one religion considers itself superior to other religions.
- When there is discrimination against the followers of the other religion.
- When state power is used to help one religion to dominate other religious groups.
- When the demands of one religious group are in opposition to others.
Question 24:
Distinguish between primary sector and secondary sector.
Primary Sector | Secondary Sector | |
(i) | Primary sector includes all agricultural and allied activities, c.g.. forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, etc. | This sector is also known as manufacturing sector. |
(ii) | It produces goods by exploiting natural resources such as land, water, forests, mines, etc. |
Manufacturing sector converts one type of commodity into another. For example – manufacturing of cotton cloth from cotton yarn, sugar from sugarcane, etc. |
(iii) | Farmers buy many goods such as tractors, fertilisers, equipment, etc. from secondary sector. Thus, it shows the dependence of primary sector on secondary sector. | Similarly, manufacturing sector needs raw materials such as cotton yarn to produce cotton, sugarcane to produce sugar, wood for furniture, etc, This shows the dependence of secondary sector on primary’ sector. |
(iv) | Agriculture, a part of the primary sector, is the largest sector and plays the most important role. | Manufacturing is one of the important components of secondary sector. |
Question 25:
What is tertiary sector? Who are employed in this sector?
This is the third sector of economy on the basis of occupation. People provide various kinds of services like transports, communication, banking etc. Another lame for the tertiary sector is service sector. Two different kinds of people are engaged in service sector. These are :
(i) Highly skilled and educated workers in small numbers.
(ii) Very large number of unskilled workers engaged in services such as small shopkeepers, transport persons (drivers), etc.
Highly educated workers include teachers, lawyers, doctors and people producing other services.
Question 26:
Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of India.
(i) Chauri – Chaura
(ii) Calcutta (Kolkata)
Question 27:
Two features A and B are marked in the given outline political map of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map.
(A) The place from where the movement of Indigo planters was started.
(B) The place where Indian National Congress session in 1927 was held.
Question 28:
Locate and label the following items on the same map with appropriate symbols.
(i) Mohali – Software Technology Park
(ii) Bokaro – Iron and Steel Industry
(iii) Kalpakkam – Nuclear Power Plant
Note : The following questions are for the Blind Candidates only, in lieu of Q. No. 26, 27 and 28.
(28.1) Where was Congress Session of September 1920 held?
(28.2) Name the place where first Satyagraha of Gandhiji took place.
(28.3) Name the state where Bhadravati Iron and Steel Plant is located.
(28.4) In which state is the Kandla Seaport located?
(28.5) Name an important port in Orissa (Odisha).
(28.1) Calcutta
(28.2) Champaran
(28.3) Karnataka
(28.4) Gujarat
(28.5) Paradip
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