Puzzles Boost Students Logical Thinking

Logical Puzzles can be food to the brain as they help in improving intellectual and logical thinking. Children should be encouraged to solve these puzzles more and more so that they can develop problem-solving & decision-making skills. Solving Puzzles needs a combination of creative thinking, out of the box and Lateral Thinking, Logical Abilities.

Kids, when exposed to different perspectives, is where real learning takes place and develops new thinking capabilities. While solving the logic exercises, Students begin to Solve the Puzzle by posing questions like What, Why and When to themselves. Have a look at the Brain Teasers and Puzzles Boost Students Logical Thinking Skills.

Try out some of the brain teasers that will make you think out of the box. Answer these Fun Filled Exercises that will make you think both rationally and laterally.

Puzzles Boost Students Logical Thinking | Funny Riddles and Logic Puzzles to trick your Brain

We tried providing extensive collection of Puzzles that can really sharpen your brain. All the Brain Excersing Questions are given a clear explanation and steps that result in the outcome. Challenge your higher-order thinking and lateral thinking skills with these Brain Teasers over here. The Riddles given can be more of an amazing activity to kids and students but encourages them to think logically and think out of the box.

Thinking and Mind Sharpening Puzzles

1.  Poor people have it.
Rich people need it.
If you eat it you die.

What is it?

Answer: Nothing

2.   The more you take away from me,
The bigger I get.

What am I?

Answer: A hole (or a debt)

3. It belongs to you,
But others “use” it more than you do.

What is it?

Answer: Your name

4.  I sit in a corner
And travel around the world.

What am I?

Answer: Stamp

5. Can you find the smallest positive number that is divisible by 15 that consists ONLY of ones and zeroes (e.g. 10, 11, 100, etc.)? Note that you don’t need a calculator to solve the problem.

Answer: 1,110

Because the number is divisible by 15 it should be divisible by 3 and 5 too.

6.  Mary’s father has 5 daughters.
Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono, and ____.

What is the fifth daughter’s name?

Answer: Mary

Problem Solving Riddles

7. An old car travelling from Los Angeles to San Diego cruises at a speed of 21 miles per hour. After reaching San Diego, the car immediately does a u-turn and returns to Los Angeles at a speed of only 3 miles per hour (courtesy of a flat tire).

What is the car’s average speed over the entire journey?

Answer: 5.25 miles per hour

Consider X to be the distance between Los Angeles and San Diego

Time is equal to distance by average speed, it takes x/21 to travel to San Diego, X/3 to return to Los Angeles.

Total time is X/21+X/3

So it takes 8x/21 hours for the return trip of 2x miles or more simply 4/21 hours to travel 1 mile. Therefore, the average speed is 21/4 or 5.25 miles per hour.

8. What number comes next in the number sequence below?

1 3 6 11 18 29?

Answer: 42

The series begins with the number 1 and prime numbers are added in succession i.e. (+2, +3, +5, +7,+11) to the preceding number. The next number Prime Number is 13 thus 29+13=42.

9. If a hen and a half lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many eggs will half a dozen hens lay in half a dozen days?

Answer: 24(2 Dozen)

Since the number of hens and days have raised from 1.5 to 6 the number of eggs will be raised by 16 times i.e. 24

10. There are 7 girls in a bus.
Each girl has 7 backpacks.
In each backpack, there are 7 cats.
For every cat, there are 7 kittens.

How many legs are there in the bus?

Answer: 10,990 (or 10,992 if you’re assuming there’s a bus driver).

7 girls × 2 = 14 girl legs.

49 backpacks which means there are 343 cats × 4 = 1,372 cat legs.

343 cats which means there are 2,401 kittens × 4 = 9,604 kitten legs.

Thus, the total number of legs is 14 + 1,372 + 9,604 = 10,990 (or 10,992 if you’re assuming there’s a bus driver).

Brain Exercise Questions

11. There are 100 students at Blondie High. This morning, 99% of the students were present, however, only 98% of the students with blonde hair were present.

How many students at Blondie High have blonde hair?

Answer: 50

99 Percent of 100 Students are present means 1 Student is absent. As there is a difference in percentage of blonde hair the student who is absent has blonde hair.

Let X be the students having blonde hair

(2/100)X=1 thus X=50.

12. A man lives on the tenth floor of a building. Every day he takes the elevator to go down to the ground floor to go to work. When he returns he takes the same elevator to the seventh floor and walks up the stairs to reach his apartment on the tenth floor. He hates walking so why does he do it?

Answer: The man is very short

As the man is very little he can’t reach the buttons higher than the 7th floor. (Elevator Buttons are laid in a descending order)

13. What three-dimensional shapes have exactly two surfaces?

PS: The answer is not a piece of paper (a piece of paper actually has 6 surfaces as the edges are technically surfaces).

Answer: A solid cone, a solid hemisphere, a Möbius strip, a hollow sphere (not drawn), and a half torus (bagel/doughnut shape) cut across/horizontally.

Math Puzzles with Solutions

14. Using six sixes, can you write a mathematical expression (e.g. (6*6)+(6/6)-(6+6)) with a result equal to 27?

You may use any of the four BASIC math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) as well as parenthesis. Some additional rules:

1. You are not required to use all six numbers.
2. You may NOT join numbers (e.g. 6, 6, 6 to make 666).

Answer: 6*(6-(6/(6+6)))-6

15. There are 26 people in a business meeting. At some point or another during the meeting, each person shakes hands once with everyone else. How many total handshakes will there be?

Answer: 325

Each person will shake hands with 25 other people (i.e. everyone excluding themselves). 26 x 25 = 650. You then need to divide this number by two (one handshake allows two people to shake hands) so the total number of handshakes is 325.

Word Puzzles and Riddles for Students | Puzzles Boost Students Logical Thinking

16. Unscramble the letters below to make a common eight letter word. TOMCRUSE

Note: You can rearrange the letters by dragging them around.


17. What common non-hyphenated word contains the following letter sequence? A K F

Note: the three letter sequence can be anywhere in the word, but must be consecutive (the three letters must be in a row with no letters in between).


18. Unscramble the letters below to make a common seven letter word. IBLEQUO

Note: You can rearrange the letters by dragging them around.


Funny Puzzles for Kids with Answers | Puzzles Boost Students Logical Thinking

19. You are a participant in a race.

You pass the person in second place.

What position are you in?

Answer: Second place

20. If you overtake the person in second then you will be in second place.

Sierra is standing behind Giselle.
And Giselle is standing behind Sierra.
This doesn’t seem possible but it is.

Answer: They are standing back to back.

21. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

Answer: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door.

This basically tests whether you do simple things in a normal way or overthink.

Number Puzzles Questions and Answers | Puzzles Boost Students Logical Thinking

23. Can you find a way to express the number 7 using four 4s and basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)? Note that you are not allowed to combine digits.

Answer: 4 + 4 – 4 / 4 (or 4 – 4 / 4 + 4).
There’s also 4 – (4 / 4 – 4) if you allow parenthesis.

24. There are four brothers in a family.

The sum of the ages of each combination of three brothers is 30, 32, 32, and 35.

How old is the oldest brother?

Answer: 13

25. It is possible to break down the seven-digit number 1234567 and insert plus signs between certain digits (or groups of digits) in such a way to produce a result of 100.

One way is: 1 + 23 + 4 + 5 + 67 = 100.

Can you think of another way?

Answer: 1 + 2 + 34 + 56 + 7 = 100

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Closing Thoughts

We wish the above mentioned Puzzles collection boost students logical thinking and their problem solving skills. All you have to do is pay little concentration and collect all the dots. You will not just have fun while solving these but can even sharpen your brain. All the Riddles and Brain Teasers will help you bring the creative side of yours and get a solution effortlessly.