Total Surface Area of a Cylinder: Let us carry out a small activity. Take a ring. We know that ring is circular in shape. Now place another ring on the first ring and so on. You will see that when you place such rings, the structure that you get is a cylinder, which is three dimensional. Let us learn about the volume of a Cylinder and Total Surface area of a Cylinder in this chapter.


Any solid which has two circular ends along with a curved surface area is said to be a cylinder. It has a curved surface in the middle. The base and the top surface are identical. That means the bases are always parallel and congruent to each other. Cylinder has no vertices.


Total Surface Area of Cylinder

The total surface area of cylinder is the area of the circles plus the area of the round section in the midle. The Surface Area (SA) is found with the formula: SA = 2πr2 + 2πrh

Total Surface Area of Cylinder 1
Total Surface Area of Cylinder 2

Find the Total Surface Area of each figure. Remember, d = 2r. Type your answers in the comment box

formula of total surface area of cylinder
Surface Area of Cylinder 1
Surface Area of Hollow Cylinder 9
total surface area of a cylinder calculator
total surface area of a cylinder formula
total surface area of a cylinder
total surface area of cylinder formula
total surface area of hollow cylinder
total surface area of right circular cylinder

Calculate the total surface area of a cylinder for the given problems and type your answers in the comment box.

Volume of Cylinder

The Volume of Cylinder is the product of the area of the base (B) times the height. The formula for the Volume of the Cylinder is V = B x H. Volume is expressed in cubic units , or units3
Volume of a Cylinder

Find the Volume of each figure. Remember, d = 2r. Type your answers in the comment box

Volume of Cylinder 9
Volume of Cylinder 8

volume of a cylinder in litres
volume of a cylinder formula
volume of a cylinder calculator
volume of a circle cylinder
how to calculate volume of a cylinder
formula for volume of a cylinder

Calculate the volume of cylinder for the given problems and type your answers in the comment box.
