Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 2 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Time: 2 Hours
Maximum Marks: 35

General Instructions:

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted; each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted; each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted; each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Section – A
(14 Marks)

Question 1.
Explain any two benefits of Vajrasana. (1+1)

1. Good for our Digestive System:
Performing Vajrasana helps our digestive system in many ways. It obstructs blood flow to our legs and thighs and increases it in our stomach area, thus improving our bowel movements and relieving constipation. Vajrasana also helps us to get rid of flatulence (gas) and acidity. It ensures better absorption of nutrients by our body.

2. Relieves Low Back Pain:
Performing Vajrasana helps to strengthen our lower back muscles, thus providing relief from occasional pain and discomfort. It also helps to relieve pain caused by sciatica.

Question 2.
Define maximum strength with the help of example. (1+1)
Maximum strength is the ability to generate maximum force against a given load. In other words, it is how much weight that can be lifted with a given movement or exercise. It is the ability to act against maximum resistance. Maximum strength is not usually used in majority of sports. It is usually used in those sports in which very heavy resistances have to be tackled, e.g., Weightlifting, shot-put, hammer throw, common lifts or the deadlift, bench press and squat.

The full form of DSLR is Digital Single lens Reflex Cameras. These are the wonderful digital cameras that are so powerful.

Question 3.
Define psychology and intrinsic motivation. (1+1)
It is defined as a science which studies mental processes, experiences and behaviour in different contexts.
Intrinsic motivation:

It is defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence. When intrinsically motivated, a person is moved to act for the fun or challenge entailed rather than because of external products, pressures, or rewards.

UML Full Form · Unified Modeling Language.

Question 4.
Write the full form of ADHD and ODD. (1+1)
ADHD- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ODD- Oppositional defiant disorder.

Question 5.
List any four changes happening in the respiratory system due to exercising. (1/2 x4)
Changes happening in the respiratory system due to exercising:

1. Increase in Tidal air capacity:
By doing regular exercise, it has been noted that there is an increase in the amount of tidal air capacity of an individual.

2. Decrease in rate of respiration:
When a beginner starts exercising, his rate of respiration increases. But when the same individual performs exercise daily, his rate of respiration decreases in comparison to the beginner at rest.

3. Strong will power:
regular exercise increases the will power of an individual. As in pranayama, the specific exercise for lungs increases the will power of the doer.• Unused alveolus becomes active:
Regular exercise activates the unused alveolus because much amount of oxygen is required in vigorous activities of daily routine. The passive alveolus become active.

Question 6.
What is the meaning of the Fartlek training method and for developing which ability it is used ? (1 + 1)
Fartlek is a Swedish word which means ‘Speed play’. Fartlek training method is a training method that blends continuous training with interval training. It is a form of speed training that can be effective in improving an individual’s speed and endurance. Many runners, especially beginners enjoy fartlek training because it involves speedy work. It is more flexible and not as demanding as- traditional interval training. Another benefit is that it can be done on all types of terrains- roads, trails or even hills.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 7.
Mention any two symptoms and causes of SPD. (1+1)
Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a condition in which brain has difficulty in receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. It may affect senses such as touch, sight, taste or movement. It may also affect multiple senses.

Symptoms of SPD:

  • Children are afraid to play on the swing.
  • They feel even the soft touch as too hard.

Causes of SPD:
(i) Genetic Factor: Studies indicate that children born to adults who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may be at a higher risk of developing SPD. Scientists allude that the cause of SPD are coded into a child’s genetic material.

(ii) Low birth weight: It is also considered one of the causes of sensory processing disorder.

Question 8.
What is incision and how can it be managed? (1+1)
An incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue is a surgical procedure performed in order to drain an abscess. An incision is a cut or a wound produced by cutting with a scalpel. Management of Incision: Deep wounds should be cleaned with a mild antiseptic and then the area should be covered with an antibiotic ointment and a dry dressing is to be done. If the injury leads to bleeding, the first step is to stop the bleeding immediately with pressure and apply a bandage.

In case a severe incision is seen, it must be cleaned by a physician. Be careful that incision can easily become infected; you should clean the area thoroughly and remove any dirt or any foreign particles from an injured part. Finally, a deep cut will probably require stitches, so one should consult the doctor immediately.

Question 9.
List down any two advantages of physical activities for CWSN. (1+1)
Advantages of Physical activities for Children with Special Needs
1. It strengthens the heart muscle thereby improving cardiovascular efficiency, lung efficiency and exercise endurance.
2. Besides improving fitness, physical activity develops social relationships with other children, teammates and teachers.

Section – B
(9 Marks)

Question 10.
Define personality and briefly explain any four physical characteristics of ectomorph. (1+(1/2 x 4))
According to Allport “Personality is the dynamic organization of those psycho-physical systems that determine an individual’s adjustment to his environment”. Physical characteristics of ectomorph:

  1. The ectomorphs have slim physique along with weak and elongated muscles.
  2. They have narrow shoulders and hips.
  3. They have a thin and narrow face, with a high forehead.
  4. They have flat chest and abdomen with thin limbs.

Question 11.
Explain intellectual disability along with any of the four symptoms. (1+(1/2 x 4))
Intellectual disability: Intellectual Disability is a disability or a mental limitation in intellectual functioning such as IQ level, reasoning and learning simple words and solving math problems. It is also known as mental retardation or learning disabilities. Symptoms of Intellectual disability are:

  1. They have an IQ score under 70 in addition to adaptive behaviour in the class.
  2. They have abnormal behaviour in the class.
  3. They have difficulty in solving simple maths sums.
  4. They are not able to concentrate in classes for long durations.
  5. They have difficulty in sitting for long hours in the class room.
  6. They have lower rate of learning.
  7. They have poor memory or retention power.
  8. They also have a problem in understanding the concepts.

Question 12.
Create a flowchart for common sports injuries while enlisting the sub parts. (1+1+1)
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions-2

Question 13.
List down any three asanas used for preventing Obesity and write two benefits of each. (1+1+1)
Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana are usually performed to prevent obesity.
Vajrasana benefits:

  1. Vajrasasana is a meditative asana which helps in the concentration of mind.
  2. Relieves pain in the knees, legs and thigh muscles.

Hastasana Benefits:

  1. It helps to improve the flexibility of the back muscles.
  2. Improves the process of respiration and the functions of the intra-abdominal glands.

Trikonasana Benefits:

  1. Helps to improve digestion.
  2. It improves the flexibility of the back muscle.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 14.
What are the salient features of the Interval training method? (3)
Interval Training Method: In this method, the whole workload is divided into smaller load periods with a rest period in between them. Incomplete recovery is given in intervals. In this method, heart rate increases from normal to 180 beats/min. The bouts of load are repeated when the heart rate comes down to about 120 beats/min.
(a) Slow or Extensive Interval Method Intensity – Low (60-80%)
Distance – 400-800 m
Frequency -15 -25 repetitions

(b) Fast or Intensive Interval Method Intensity  –  High (80-100%)
Distance – 50-400 m,
Frequency – 8-12 repetitions

Section – C
(12 Marks)

Question 15.
Enlist and explain Jung’s classification. (1+1+1+1)
According to Carl Jung, there are three personality types: Introverts, Extroverts, and Ambiverts. According to him, there are four basic psychological traits in humans suchas think, feel, sense and perceive. During participation in games and sports, an athlete faces different types of situations with their team mates and coach. Problem focusing strategies depend upon the level of adjustment of an individual with his environment. Its aim is to eliminate the factors of stress.

Jung’s Classification Introverts Extroverts Ambiverts
1. Extrovert: Extroverts have the following personality traits:

  • They are friendly, talkative and courageous.
  • They focus on external reality, instead of internal environment.
  • They usually like to involve in social activities.
  • They take decisions according to external reality, instead of their own existence.
  • They are supportive and helpful in nature.
  • They are happy go lucky.
  • They are individuals who fit into any environment.
  • They are easily influenced and try to imitate others.
  • They like appreciation and acknowledgement by teachers, parents and peer group.

2. Introvert: Introverts have the following personality traits:

  • They feel shy, are not friendly and are less talkative.
  • They are interested in themselves, their feelings and thoughts.
  • They are self-centered; face difficulty in social adjustment or situations.
  • They struggle to adapt to the environment.
  • They try to adjust to the social environment.
  • They are very sensitive, rigid and goal oriented.
  • They are creative.

3. Ambivert:
They have a mixed trait of introvert and extrovert. In fact, they are not a pure introvert or pure extrovert. Many of us have ambivert trait as we have qualities of introvert and extrovert.

Question 16.
Discuss physiological factors determining flexibility. (1+1+1+1)
Flexibility refers to a range of movements of joints. Flexibility depends on some factors such as joint structure, age, body temperature, previous injuries etc. There are various factors that affect your flexibility:

1. Joint structure: Joint structure is the main factor which determines the flexibility of an athlete. There are different types of joints in the human body which has a different range of motion such as ball and socket joint in the shoulder; hip joint has a higher range of motion. In comparison to elbow joint (hinge joint), shoulder joint can move in all the directions and it can perform all types of movement such as flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and circumduction.

2. Age & Gender: Aging decreases the range of motion and flexibility because of degradation of muscles, ligaments and connective tissues. Females are more flexible than males. On the other hand, training enhances endurance, strength, and speed whereas flexibility can be increased at any age with special training, like yoga or proper stretching.

3. Connective Tissue: Connective tissues are responsible for a range of motion in the joint. Stiff tissues and tendons are responsible for less flexibility. With aging and disuse of muscle over time, water content in the ligament is lost. Tendons and connective tissues also become thicker and less flexible.

4. Muscle mass: Muscles mass may reduce the range of motion or flexibility. Athletes with more muscle mass may have trouble extending their limbs. For some athletes, muscles mass is more important than flexibility. Weight training with heavy weights enhances the muscle mass and flexibility can also be reduced as muscle mass increase with training.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 17.
Define strength and explain methods to develop strength. (1+3)
Ability of the muscles to overcome the resistance/Capacity of the body to exert force/Force that muscle can exert against resistance.
(a) Isometric exercise
(b) Isotonic exercise
(c) Isokinetic exercise

Isometric exercises: These are the exercises in which no movement takes place while force is exerted against an immovable object. It develops only tension at the concerned joint. It is also called static muscle contraction, e.g., Pushing against a wall.

Isokinetic exercise: This is a type of muscle contraction where both the tension and speed are prefixed throughout the range of motion. This process involves development of maximum tension in muscles which shortens at constant speed at all angles, e.g., Treadmill. Isotonic: Iso means ‘SAME’ and tonic means TENSION. In isotonic contraction, muscle contracts and shortens under a constant load throughout the entire range of joint. The shortening of a muscle’s principle action (length of muscle decreases) is called concentric. The lengthening of the muscle (length increases) after contraction is called eccentric. Such types of contractions are commonly used in games and sports.

This is also called dynamic contraction. In the initial phase of movement, concerned muscles are stretched and then they contract explosively. Because of shortening and lengthening of muscles, there is always a resultant movement at the concerned joint. In majority of the cases, the dynamic muscle contraction is a specific combination of concentric and eccentric contractions. This happens in all explosive movements like jumps, throws, etc.

Question 18.
Briefly explain the administration of Trikonasana along with its contraindications and draw stick diagram. (2 + 1 + 1)
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): Stand straight. Spread the feet comfortably wide apart (about 1 meter).

  1. Turn your right foot by 90 degrees and left foot by 15 degrees.
  2.  Inhale deeply and as you exhale, slowly bend to the right side, downward from the hips, keeping the waist straight, bring your left arm to come up and your right hand comes down towards the floor.
  3. Try to keep both arms in straight line.
  4. Now, rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, straight up your left arms towards the ceiling in line with the right hand. Palm facing forward. Look towards left arms fingers.
  5. Maintain this asana for 30 seconds to 1 minute with normal breathing.
  6. Repeat the same on the other side. Contraindications of the Trikonasana: Individual suffering from a migraine, diarrhoea, low or high blood pressure, or neck and back injuries should not perform Trikonasana. Also, person suffering from cervical spondylosis should avoid this asana.
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions-1