Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 8 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 8 for Practice

Time: 2 Hours
Maximum Marks: 35

General Instructions :

  • The. question paper is divided into 3 sections – A, B and C
  • Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks.
  • Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
  • Section C, consists of 3 questions(11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
  • Internal choices have been given for question numbers -1,3, 8 and 12.

Section – A [2 marks each]

Question 1.
Kumar, a network administrator need Help to understand the differentiating between cookies and VoIP [2]
Difference Between Website and Webpage ? [2]

Question 2.
(i) I:
I am an application used to access and view websites.
When a user requests a web page from a particular website, then I retrieve the necessary content from a web server and then display the page on the user’s device.
Who am I?
(ii) Name any two network devices used in networking. [2]

Question 3.
Predict the output of the following queries:
(i) Select MOD(2.56,3);
(ii) Select ROUND(-9.8546,0); [2]
Briefly explain the purpose of the following SQL functions:
(i) MOD ()
(ii) ROUND () [2]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 8 for Practice

Question 4.
ABC consultancy is planning to gat a high speed internet connection in its branch office in Delhi to its head office in Kolkata.
(i) Please suggest a suitable connection.
(ii) what type of connection out of LAN /MAN/WAN will form in the above example. [2]

Question 5.
predict the output of the following queries:
SELECT YEAR(“2012-02-23″);
SELECT DAYOP YHAEf2012-02-23”); [2]

Question 6.
LAXMAN, a database administrator/want to cut a substring from a word without using LEFT()/ RIGHT() function.
Suggest a suitable command/function/clause for it and properly explain its usage with the help of an example. [2]

Question 7.
Observe the following table and answer the parts(i) and (ii) accordingly
Table: Product
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 8 for Practice 1
(i) To display the total number of products with quantity more than 100.
(ii) To display the total number of products for which the product name ends wTith “er”. [2]

Section – B [3 Marks Each]

Question 8.
What will be the output of 101
(i) SELECT ROUND (120.99,-1) + MOD (120, 3);
(ii) SELECT MOD (3,5) + ROUND (10.50,1);
(iii) SELECT POWER(2,3) + TRUNCATE (100.50, 1); [3]
What will be the output of the following queries on the basis of WORKER table :

WORKID WName Salary
W001 Bob 5600
W002 John 1000
W003 Tom 5000

(iii) SELECT MIN(Salary) FROM WORKER; [3]

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 8 for Practice

Question 9.
What is aggregate function in SQL with example? Explain any two aggregate functions with an example. [3]

Question 10.
What values will the following statements return?
(i) SELECT LTRIMC SQL Tutorial ‘);
(ii) SELECT RTRIM(‘ SQL Tutorial ‘); Explain.

Section – C [4 Marks Each]

Question 11.
Observe the given table named “Loan” carefully and predict the output of the following queries: Loan
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 8 for Practice 2
(i) select count(file_no)-count(loan_amt) from loan;
(ii) select Cust_Name,Loan_Amt from loan where month(cheque_dt)=7;
(iii) SELECT concat(left(file_no,2),right(cust name,2)) AS “ID” from loan where Bank=’ICUCI Ltd.’;
(iv) select round(loan_amt-loan_amt* 10/100) As “Discounted Payment” from loan where loanamt > 700000; [4]

Question 12.
Consider the following table:
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 8 for Practice 3
Write commands in SQL for(i) to (iv):
(i) To display the details of all those students who have IP as their optional subject.
(i) To display name, stream and optional of all those students whose name starts with A.
(iii) To give an increase of 3 in the average of all those students of humanities section who have Maths as their optional subject.
(iv) To display a name list of all those students who have average more than 75.

On the basis of the Table Student, write the output(s) produced by executing the following queries:
(i) Select max( average), min (average) from Student group by stream having stream like ‘Science’;
(ii) Select name from Student where optional IN (“CS, IP’).
Also give proper justifications of the output generated through each query. [4]

Question 13.
Multipurpose Public School, Bangluru is setting up the network between its Different Wings of school campus. There are 4 wings named as SENIOR(S), JUNIOR(J), ADMIN(A) and HOSTEL(H). Multipurpose Public School, Bangluru
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 8 for Practice 4
Distance between various wings are given below:

Wing(A) to Wing(S) 100m
Wing(A) to Wing(j) 200m
Wing(A) to Wing(H) 400m
Wing(S) to Wing(j) 200m
Wing(S) to Wing(H) 100m
Wing(J) to Wing(H) 450m

Number of Computers installed at various wings are as follows:

Wings Number of Computers
Wing(A) 20
Wing(S) 150
Wing(J) 50
Wing(H) 25

(i) Suggest the best wired medium and draw the cable layout to efficiently connect various wings of Multipurpose Public School, Bangluru.
(ii) Name the most suitable wing where the Server should be installed. Justify your answer.
Sample Question Papers
(iii) Suggest a deviee/software and its placement that would provide data security for the entire network of the School.
(iv) Suggest a device and the protocol that shall be needed to provide wireless Internet access to all smart phone/laptop users in the campus of Multipurpose Public School, Bangluru. [4]