Percentages are often used for calculations involving money. We get to see various scenarios in our day to day life where we can apply the concept of Percentage. Percentages are used in many types of problems and situations. Applications of Percentages help you solve different types of real-life percent problems. For better understanding, we have provided step by step explanation of all the Problems on Percentages.

1.  In a survey of 100 students, 60% of students liked Science, and the rest of the students liked Arts. How many number of students liked Science?


Total Number of Students Participated in the Survey = 100

60% of Students liked Science = 60/100*100

= 60

Therefore, 60 Students Liked Science.

2. The Price of a Good increase from $18 to $20. Express the Percentage Increase of the Good?


Increased Price = $20 – $18

= $2

Percentage Increase = (Increased Value/Original Price)*100

= ($2/$18)*100

= 100/9

= 11.11%

Thus, the Price of Good increases by 11.11%

3. Father’s Weight is 30 % more than that of his son. What Percent is Son’s Weight Less than Father’s Weight?


Let Son’s Weight be 100 Kg

Father’s weight is 30% more than son’s i.e. 130 Kg

If Father’s Weight is 130kg then Son’s weight is 100kg

If Father’s Weight is 1 kg then Son’s Weight is 130/100

If Father’s Weight is 100kg then Son’s Weight is (100/130*100) Kg

Thus, Son’s Weight is 23.08 % less compared to his father.

4. What number is 30% of 90?


Let the number to be m

30% of m = 90

30/100*m = 90

m = (90*100)/30

= 9000/30

= 300

Therefore, the number is 300.

5. Komali and her sister enjoyed dinner in a restaurant, and the bill was $75.50. If she wants to leave 15% of the total bill as her tip, how much should she leave?


Total Bill = $75.50

From the given data Komali wants to leave 15% of Bill as tip = 15% of 75.50

= (15/100)*75.50

= $11.325

Thus, Komali has to leave $11.325 as a tip in the restaurant.

6. One serving of rice has 110 mg of sodium, which is 10% of the recommended daily amount. What is the recommended daily amount of sodium in total?


Let total daily amount of sodium required = m

From given data 10% of m = 110 mg

10/100*m = 110

m = (110*100)/10

= 1100

Therefore, daily amount of sodium required in total is 1100 mg.

7. Cierra is making muffins from a mix and each muffin had 240 calories and 80 calories are fat. What Percent of Total Calories is Fat?


Fat Calories Percent = 80/240*100

= 8000/240

= 33.33%

Thus, 33.33% Percent of Total Calories is Fat.

8. Kiara requires 30% to pass. She gets 180 marks and falls short by 20 marks. Find the maximum numbers she could have got(round to the nearest)?


To get 30% kiara should score 180+20 = 200 Marks

Let the maximum numbers = m

30% of m  = 200

30/100*m = 200

m = (200*100)/30

= 666

Therefore, Kiara Should have got 666 Marks.

8. If the tax rate is 8% what would be sales tax if the price of the truck is $24,000?


Tax Rate = 8%

Sales Tax = 8% of $24, 000

= 8/100*24, 000

= 1920

Sales Tax of the Truck is $1920.

SEO Title: Application of Percentage Formula | Uses of Percentages in Daily Life