{"id":71247,"date":"2022-07-06T11:30:30","date_gmt":"2022-07-06T06:00:30","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.cbselabs.com\/?p=71247"},"modified":"2022-07-06T11:35:14","modified_gmt":"2022-07-06T06:05:14","slug":"linear-inequalities-class-11-notes","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.cbselabs.com\/linear-inequalities-class-11-notes\/","title":{"rendered":"Linear Inequalities Class 11 Notes Maths Chapter 6"},"content":{"rendered":"

Class 11 Maths Notes<\/a> students can refer to the Linear Inequalities Class 11 Notes Maths Chapter 6 https:\/\/www.cbselabs.com\/linear-inequalities-class-11-notes\/ Pdf here. They can also access the CBSE Class 11 Linear Inequalities Chapter 6 Notes while gearing up for their Board exams.<\/p>\n

CBSE Class 11 Maths Notes Chapter 6 Linear Inequalities<\/h2>\n

Linear Inequalities Class 11 Notes Chapter 6<\/strong><\/p>\n

\nA statement involving variables and the sign of inequality viz. >, <, \u2265 or \u2264 is called an inequation or an inequality.<\/p>\n

Numerical Inequalities<\/strong>
\nInequalities which do not contain any variable is called numerical inequalities, e.g. 3 < 7, 2 \u2265 -1, etc. Literal Inequalities Inequalities which contains variables are called literal inequalities e.g. x – y > 0, x > 5, etc.<\/p>\n

Linear Inequation of One Variable<\/strong>
\nLet a be non-zero real number and x be a variable. Then, inequalities of the form ax + b > 0, ax + b < 0, ax + b \u2265 0 and ax + b \u2264 0 are known as linear inequalities in one variable.<\/p>\n

Linear Inequation of Two Variables<\/strong>
\nLet a, b be non-zero real numbers and x, y be variables. Then, inequation of the form ax + by < c, ax + by > c, ax + by \u2264 c and ax + by \u2265 c are known as linear inequalities in two variables x and y.<\/p>\n

Solution of an Inequality<\/strong>
\nThe value(s) of the variable(s) which makes the inequality a true statement is called its solutions. The set of all solutions of an inequality is called the solution set of the inequality.<\/p>\n

Solve inequality calculator<\/a> is a free online tool that displays the result for the given inequality equation.<\/p>\n

Linear Inequalities Class 11 Notes Pdf Chapter 6<\/strong><\/p>\n

Solving Linear Inequations in One Variable<\/strong>
\nSame number may be added (or subtracted) to both sides of an inequation without changing the sign of inequality.<\/p>\n

Both sides of an inequation can be multiplied (or divided) by the same positive real number without changing the sign of inequality. However, the sign of inequality is reversed when both sides of an inequation are multiplied or divided by a negative number.<\/p>\n

Linear Inequalities Class 11 Formulas Chapter 6<\/strong><\/p>\n

Representation of Solution of Linear Inequality in One Variable on a Number Line<\/strong>
\nTo represent the solution of a linear inequality in one variable on a number line. We use the following algorithm.<\/p>\n

If the inequality involves ‘>’ or ‘<‘ we draw an open circle (O) on the number line, which indicates that the number corresponding to the open circle is not included in the solution set.<\/p>\n

If the inequality involves \u2018\u2265\u2019 or ‘\u2264’ we draw a dark circle (\u2022) on the number line, which indicates the number corresponding to the dark circle is included in the solution set.<\/p>\n

Class 11 Linear Inequalities Notes Chapter 6<\/strong><\/p>\n

Graphical Representation of the Solution of Linear Inequality in One or Two Variables<\/strong>
\nTo represent the solution of linear inequality in one or two variables graphically in a plane, we use the following algorithm.<\/p>\n

If the inequality involves ‘<\u2019 or ‘>\u2019, we draw the graph of the line as dotted line to indicate that the points on the line are not included from the solution sets.<\/p>\n

If the inequality involves ‘\u2265\u2019 or ‘\u2264\u2019, we draw the graph of the line as a dark line to indicate the points on the line is included from the solution sets.<\/p>\n

Solution of a linear inequality in one variable can be represented on number line as well as in the plane but the solution of a linear inequality in two variables of the type ax + by > c, ax + by \u2265 c,ax + by < c or ax + by \u2264 c (a \u2260 0, b \u2260 0) can be represented in the plane only.<\/p>\n

Two or more inequalities taken together comprise a system of inequalities and the solution of the system of inequalities are the solution common to all the inequalities comprising the system.<\/p>\n


Linear Inequalities Notes Chapter 6<\/strong><\/p>\n

11 Class Maths Notes\u00a0 Chapterwise<\/h3>\n