{"id":58398,"date":"2019-06-24T11:35:10","date_gmt":"2019-06-24T06:05:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.cbselabs.com\/?p=58398"},"modified":"2021-09-18T15:19:28","modified_gmt":"2021-09-18T09:49:28","slug":"trigonometry-formulas","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.cbselabs.com\/trigonometry-formulas\/","title":{"rendered":"Trigonometry Formulas"},"content":{"rendered":"

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deal with angles, lengths and heights of triangles and relations between different parts of circles and other geometrical figures. Maths Formulas – Trigonometric Ratios and identities are very useful and learning the below formulae help in solving the problems better.\u00a0Trigonometry formulas<\/strong> are essential for solving questions in Trigonometry Ratios and Identities in Competitive Exams.<\/p>\n

Trigonometric Identities <\/strong><\/span>are equalities that involve\u00a0trigonometric functions\u00a0and are true for every value of the occurring\u00a0variables\u00a0where both sides of the equality are defined. Geometrically, these are\u00a0identities\u00a0involving certain functions of one or more\u00a0angles.\u00a0

Trigonometric Ratio<\/span>\u00a0<\/strong>relationship between the measurement of the angles and the length of the side of the right triangle. These formulas relate lengths and areas of particular circles or triangles. On the next page you\u2019ll find identities. The identities don\u2019t refer to particular geometric figures but hold for all angles.<\/p>\n

Trigonometry Formulas<\/h2>\n


Formulas for arcs and sectors of circles<\/h4>\n

You can easily find both the length of an arc and the area of a sector for an angle\u00a0\u03b8<\/i>\u00a0in a circle of radius\u00a0r<\/i>.<\/p>\n

Length of an arc. The length of the arc is just the radius r times the angle \u03b8 where the angle is measured in radians. To convert from degrees to radians, multiply the number of degrees by \u03c0\/180.<\/p>\n

Arc = r\u03b8.<\/strong><\/p>\n


Trigonometric Formulas – Right Angle<\/h3>\n

The most important formulas for trigonometry<\/strong> are those for a right triangle. If\u00a0\u03b8<\/i>\u00a0is one of the acute angles in a triangle, then the sine of theta is the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse, the cosine is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse, and the tangent is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side<\/p>\n


Pythagorean theorem<\/strong>, the well-known geometric\u00a0theorem\u00a0that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right\u00a0triangle\u00a0is equal to the\u00a0square\u00a0on the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle)\u2014or, in familiar algebraic notation, (P)2<\/sup> + (B)2<\/sup> = (H)2<\/sup><\/p>\n

Applying Pythagoras theorem for the given right-angled theorem, we have:<\/p>\n

(Perpendicular)2<\/sup> + (Base)2<\/sup> = (Hypotenuse)2<\/sup><\/p>\n

\u21d2 <\/sup>(P)2<\/sup> + (B)2<\/sup> = (H)2<\/sup><\/p>\n

The trigonometric properties are given below
\nMagical Hexagon for Trigonometry Identities<\/strong><\/p>\n

\nClock Wise: