{"id":28605,"date":"2016-08-06T19:21:43","date_gmt":"2016-08-06T13:51:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.cbselabs.com\/?p=28605"},"modified":"2021-09-18T15:26:51","modified_gmt":"2021-09-18T09:56:51","slug":"ncert-solutions-for-class-5-evs-chapter-11-sunita-in-space","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.cbselabs.com\/ncert-solutions-for-class-5-evs-chapter-11-sunita-in-space\/","title":{"rendered":"NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 11 Sunita In Space"},"content":{"rendered":"

NCERT \u00a0Solutions <\/span>for Class 5 EVS Chapter 11 Sunita In Space<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n

QUESTIONS FROM TEXTBOOK SOLVED<\/span><\/strong><\/h3>\n

Straight from the Heart<\/strong><\/span>
\n1.What do you think the earth looks like? Make a drawing of the earth in your notebook. On your drawing show where you are. Take a look at your friend\u2019s drawing too.<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong> <\/span>The earth looks like a sphere.<\/p>\n


What Do You Think?<\/strong>
\n1.If the earth is round like a globe, how is it that we do not fall off?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong><\/span> The gravitational force of the earth attracts everything towards itself. That is why we do not fall off.<\/p>\n

2.Do the people in Argentina stand upside down?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong> <\/span>No, they also stand \u2018up\u2019 like us. The sense of up and down on the earth is relative.<\/p>\n

3.Can you think why Sunita\u2019s hair was standing?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong> <\/span>When we are on the earth, our hairs remain in downward position because of the gravitational force of the earth. Once some is in space, the hairs stand as there is zero gravity in space.<\/p>\n

4.Look at Sunita\u2019s photographs and the dates written on each of them. Write what all is happening and when?<\/strong><\/span>

Classroom Becomes a Spaceship<\/strong>
\n1.Close your eyes. Imagine that your class is a spaceship. Zooo…m in 10 minutes you have entered in space. Your spaceship is now going around the earth. Now say:\u00a0<\/strong><\/span>
\n(a) Are you able to sit at one place?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong><\/span> No, we are unable to sit at one place. Everyone is floating in air.
\n(b) What about your hair?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong><\/span> My hairs are standing up.
\n(c) Oh, look…where are your bags and books going?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong> <\/span>My bags and books are also floating in air.
\n(d) What is your teacher doing? Where is her chalk?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns<\/strong><\/span>. My teacher is also floating in air and she is trying to catch the floating chalk.
\n(e)How did you eat your food during the break? How did you drink water? What happened to the ball that you threw up?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong> <\/span>We had to grab the puri, flying in the air. The water floated in the form of blobs and we had to suck them. The ball I threw up started floating in air.<\/p>\n

2.Can you now say why Sunita\u2019s hair kept standing?<\/span><\/strong>
\nAns.<\/strong> <\/span>Sunita\u2019s hair kept standing because of zero gravity in the space.<\/p>\n

3.Think why water flows downwards on any slope? On mountains too water flows downwards, not upwards?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong><\/span> Water flows downwards because of the force of gravity of the earth.<\/p>\n

MAGIC 1:<\/strong> A tiny paper races a coin<\/strong>
\n1.Take a 5 rupee coin and a small piece of paper. The paper should be about one- fourth the size of the coin.<\/strong><\/span>
\n \u2022 Hold the coin in one hand and the paper in the other. Drop them at the same time. What happened?<\/strong><\/span>
\n \u2022 Now place the tiny paper on the coin and drop them. What happened this time? Surprised?<\/strong><\/span>
\nAns.<\/strong> <\/span>In the first case the coin fell down more quickly than the piece of paper. In the second case both paper and coin fell down at the same time.<\/p>\n

MAGIC 2:<\/strong> A mouse lifts an elephant<\/strong>
\nTo play this you will need a small stone, a bigger stone (lemon-sized), a thick roll of paper (which can be made with layers of papers), mouse and an elephant made of paper.<\/p>\n