Introduction to Trigonometry Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 8

CBSE Class 10 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Pdf free download is part of Class 10 Maths Notes for Quick Revision. Here we have given NCERT Class 10 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry. According to new CBSE Exam Pattern,Ā MCQ Questions for Class 10 Maths Carries 20 Marks.

CBSE Class 10 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry

  • Position of a point P in the Cartesian plane with respect to co-ordinate axes is represented by the ordered pair (x, y).
  • Trigonometry is the science of relationships between the sides and angles of a right-angled triangle.
  • Trigonometric Ratios: Ratios of sides of right triangle are called trigonometric ratios.
    Consider triangle ABC right-angled at B. These ratios are always defined with respect to acute angle ‘A’ or angle ā€˜C.
  • If one of the trigonometric ratios of an acute angle is known, the remaining trigonometric ratios of an angle can be easily determined.
  • How to identify sides: Identify the angle with respect to which the t-ratios have to be calculated. Sides are always labelled with respect to the ‘Īø’ being considered.

Trigonometry Class 10 Notes Chapter 8

Let us look at both cases:
Introduction to Trigonometry Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 8 Img 1
In a right triangle ABC, right-angled at B. Once we have identified the sides, we can define six t-Ratios with respect to the sides.

case I case II
(i) sine A =Ā \(\frac { perpendicular }{ hypotenuse } =\frac { BC }{ AC } \) (i) sine C =Ā \(\frac { perpendicular }{ hypotenuse } =\frac { AB }{ AC } \)
(ii) cosine A =Ā \(\frac { base }{ hypotenuse } =\frac { AB }{ AC } \) (ii) cosine C =Ā \(\frac { base }{ hypotenuse } =\frac { BC }{ AC } \)
(iii) tangent A =Ā \(\frac { perpendicular }{ base } =\frac { BC }{ AB } \) (iii) tangent C =Ā \(\frac { perpendicular }{ base } =\frac { AB }{ BC } \)
(iv) cosecant A =Ā \(\frac { hypotenuse }{ perpendicular } =\frac { AC }{ BC } \) (iv) cosecant C =Ā \(\frac { hypotenuse }{ perpendicular } =\frac { AC }{ AB } \)
(v) secant A =Ā \(\frac { hypotenuse }{ base } =\frac { AC }{ AB } \) (v) secant C =Ā \(\frac { hypotenuse }{ base } =\frac { AC }{ BC } \)
(v) cotangent A =Ā \(\frac { base }{ perpendicular } =\frac { AB }{ BC } \) (v) cotangent C =Ā \(\frac { base }{ perpendicular } =\frac { BC }{ AB } \)

Note from above six relationships:

cosecant A = \(\frac { 1 }{ sinA }\), secant A = \(\frac { 1 }{ cosineA }\), cotangent A = \(\frac { 1 }{ tanA }\),

However, it is very tedious to write full forms of t-ratios, therefore the abbreviated notations are:
sine A is sin A
cosine A is cos A
tangent A is tan A
cosecant A is cosec A
secant A is sec A
cotangent A is cot A

Introduction To Trigonometry Class 10 Notes Chapter 8


An equation involving trigonometric ratio of angle(s) is called a trigonometric identity, if it is true for all values of the angles involved. These are:
tan Īø = \(\frac { sin\theta }{ cos\theta } \)
cot Īø = \(\frac { cos\theta }{ sin\theta } \)

  • sinĀ² Īø + cosĀ² Īø = 1 ā‡’ sinĀ² Īø = 1 – cosĀ² Īø ā‡’ cosĀ² Īø = 1 – sinĀ² Īø
  • cosecĀ² Īø – cotĀ² Īø = 1 ā‡’ cosecĀ² Īø = 1 + cotĀ² Īø ā‡’ cotĀ² Īø = cosecĀ² Īø – 1
  • secĀ² Īø – tanĀ² Īø = 1 ā‡’ secĀ² Īø = 1 + tanĀ² Īø ā‡’ tanĀ² Īø = secĀ² Īø – 1
  • sin Īø cosec Īø = 1 ā‡’ cos Īø sec Īø = 1 ā‡’ tan Īø cot Īø = 1

A t-ratio only depends upon the angle ā€˜Īøā€™ and stays the same for same angle of different sized right triangles.
Introduction to Trigonometry Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 8 Img 2

Trigonometry Notes Class 10 Chapter 8

Value of t-ratios of specified angles:

āˆ A 0Ā° 30Ā° 45Ā° 60Ā° 90Ā°
sin A 0 \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) \(\frac { 1 }{ \sqrt { 2 } } \) \(\frac { \sqrt { 3 } }{ 2 } \) 1
cos A 1 \(\frac { \sqrt { 3 } }{ 2 } \) \(\frac { 1 }{ \sqrt { 2 } } \) \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) 0
tan A 0 \(\frac { 1 }{ \sqrt { 3 } } \) 1 āˆš3 not defined
cosec A not defined 2 āˆš2 \(\frac { 2 }{ \sqrt { 3 } } \) 1
sec A 1 \(\frac { 2 }{ \sqrt { 3 } } \) āˆš2 2 not defined
cot A not defined āˆš3 1 \(\frac { 1 }{ \sqrt { 3 } } \) 0

The value of sin Īø and cos Īø can never exceed 1 (one) as opposite side is 1. Adjacent side can never be greater than hypotenuse since hypotenuse is the longest side in a right-angled āˆ†.

Introduction Of Trigonometry Class 10 Chapter 8

Introduction to Trigonometry Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 8 Img 3
If āˆ†ABC is a right-angled triangle, right-angled at B, then
āˆ A + āˆ C = 90Ā° [āˆµ āˆ A + āˆ B + āˆ C = 180Ā° angle-sum-property]
or āˆ C = (90Ā° – āˆ A)

Thus, āˆ A and āˆ C are known as complementary angles and are related by the following relationships:
sin (90Ā° -A) = cos A; cosec (90Ā° – A) = sec A
cos (90Ā° – A) = sin A; sec (90Ā° – A) = cosec A
tan (90Ā° – A) = cot A; cot (90Ā° – A) = tan A

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