AP SSC 10th class General Science 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 8
Group – A
1. What is the role of acid in stomach ?
2. Food sometimes enters the wind pipe and causes choking. How does it happen ?
3. How are waste materials are excreted in Amoeba ?
4. Distinguish between Afferent nerVes and Efferent nerves.
Group – B
5. What are the advantages of sexual reproduction ?
6. Draw the block diagram showing sensation of taste from food material to brain.
7. Why most of the food chains consist of four steps 7
8. Why do the rivers fail to benefit the state to an extent they should have ?
9. The amount of a hormone increases in the blood sharply in a frightening situation. Name that hormone and which endocrine gland produces it.
10. What is the role of saliva in the. digestion of food ?
11. State the Law of Segregation.
12. What is pyramid of biomass ?
13. What is micro irrigation ? Give one example.
14. What are the three main types of blood vessels in the body ?
Observe the above experiment which had performed in your school science laboratory. Now answer the following questions. ” ‘
a) What is the aim of this experiment ?
b) What are the precautions should we take to do this experiment ?
c) Why do we boil the leaf in methylated spirit ?
d) If we do the same experiment with a potted plant kept in dark for one week. What will be the result ?
16. Write the differences between photosynthesis and respiration.
17. John prepared stethoscope with paper cup and plasttc.kpbe.Wnte down the procedure of preparation.
18. Prepare an information table on parts of brain and their functions. This information table should contain 1) S.No. 2) Part of brain and 3) Functions of that part.
Group – B
19. What is mastication ? Explain the role of different sets of teeth in this process.
20.How do scientists utilise the information about fossils ?
21. Explain the process of fertilisation in plants. –
22. Think that there is much scarcity of water for drinking and cultivation in your village. What suggestions do you give to prevent this ?
23. Draw a neat and labelled diagram showing the internal structure of heart.
24. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of excretory system of human beings.
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